Go Privately...!

Learn under private guidance..!

More than often, circumstances caused by the most diverse every day reasons, prevent us from attending regular public classes in an academy or gymnasium, precluding the practice of a sport activity and consequently compromising the improvement of our physical condition and health indexes. Private classes become the right option, allowing great choice flexibility, not only in terms of the optimizing schedules, but also of discipline selection for the desired goals.

A private class, or practice under private guidance, has this unique characteristic of being customized to measure. After the assessment of the physical condition, purposes and goals of the interested person, the appropriate discipline is recommended and chosen, whether it’s a more explosive and dynamic activity like Kung Fu, or a calm and relaxed one like Tai Chi or even, Chi Kung. An intensive training plan is then drawn up and under careful and exclusive guidance, this plan is criteriously applied in utmost detail.

What disciplines to choose? Well, that depends on each one’s personal goals and tastes. With the practice of Kung Fu the greatest benefit is to the body which, through vigorous and energetic exercises of martial characteristics, will see its musculoskeletal structure strengthened, substantially increasing its motor coordination, agility and mobility levels. Learning to defend yourself is obviously the main purpose of a martial art, but the practice of these exercises has precisely this additional advantage of greatly benefiting the physical condition.

” An intensive training plan is then drawn up and under careful and exclusive guidance, this plan is criteriously applied in utmost detail.

In a discipline like Tai Chi, the mind-body coordination is worked in a different way. With the slow and calm exercises typical of this discipline, special attention is paid to body alignment, the starting point for a deeper work related to mind and breathing. Even if the benefits don’t seem as obvious as in a more intense activity such as Kung Fu, they emerge in a slow rhythm and pace, noticeably emphasizing the motor coordination and balance improvements, conditions that inevitably promote physical and mental relaxation.

Then you have Chi Kung, the ultimate health and meditation exercise for both body and mind. The focus is you with no opponent. Here the opponent is yourself through a series of exercises inspired in old and ancestral methodologies, which will guide you to strengthen your internal body, organs and energy. Peaceful mind and relaxed body will lead you to a higher state of energy.

But regardless of what discipline you choose or your experience level in these oriental arts, you always have the possibility of potentiating your practice through these private classes, where the level of demand is chosen by you. You are the measure of yourself. You choose what you want for yourself, and I’ll provide you with the best tools to achieve your goal.

You can count on my self-demanding professionalism with more than 40 years of experience, based on ancestral knowledge adapted to our contemporary reality. For further information about private classes, please contact me through the available means on this site.